Emsculpt NEO is the only FDA-cleared treatment for building strong muscles and burning stubborn fat. Studies show the new body shaping procedure increases muscle by 25% while decreasing fat by 30%. These results make Emsculpt NEO the most effective non-invasive body shaping treatment available today. In addition, the convenient, 30-minute treatment transforms the abdomen, arms, legs, and buttocks. Best of all, Emsculpt NEO sessions are virtually painless and require no downtime.


  • Slim, sculpt, and strengthen your physique
  • Build, tone, and firm muscle
  • Natural, long-lasting fat reduction
  • FDA cleared + scientifically proven
  • Painless + no downtime
  • Convenient 30-minute treatments


During the 30-minute Emsculpt NEO session, an applicator emits both HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology) and RF (Radiofrequency) energies. Radiofrequency delivers thermal energy to the tissue, warming up the muscles while heating fat cells. However, within a few minutes, the subcutaneous fat cells start to die, undergoing lipolysis (“lipo” = fat cell + “lysis” = cell death.) Concurrently, the HIFEM energy penetrates muscle tissues stimulating powerful contractions known as supramaximal contractions. This type of superhuman contraction works the muscles more intensely than anything possible with manual exercise. By the end of the session, this treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions within the targeted muscle group. As a result, the body creates more muscle cells and enhances existing muscle fibers to adapt to the stress of the contractions. After the session, the dead fat cells are collected by the lymphatic system and flushed from the body over several weeks. Once fat cells leave the body, they cannot grow back or be replaced. This leads to long-lasting fat reduction.

EMSCULPT NEO treatment is FDA cleared to treat 4 areas on the body:

  • The abdomen: Strengthen the abdomen, reduce stubborn belly fat, and sculpt the abs for the coveted “washboard” look.
  • The arms: Enhance the triceps and biceps.
  • The legs: Firm the muscles of the upper legs and calves while thinning and toning the thighs.
  • The buttocks: Offers the first, non-surgical alternative to a butt lift, Emsculpt NEO provides a subtle lifting effect while toning and firming the buttocks.


After Emsculpt NEO, many people experience mild muscle soreness for a few days. This sensation is similar to the soreness felt following a challenging workout. While results are possible after one Emsculpt NEO session, typical treatment plans consist of 4 sessions, spaced 5 to 10 days apart.

Clinical studies show Emsculpt NEO results in dramatic changes to the physique. On average, people experience a 25% increase in muscle and/or a 30% decrease in fat.


Each body shaping treatment is created to fit the needs and aesthetic goals of the patient. Therefore, Emsculpt NEO cost varies. During a complimentary consultation with you, prices for the popular body shaping treatment are discussed. You can also learn about payment options and how you can save on Emsculpt NEO cost.

Length Cost
4 x 30 Min Sessions of same area* $3,000
Abdomen/30 Min $750
Buttocks/30 Min $1,000
Arms/30 Min $850
Thighs/30Min $900

WE ARE CURRENT RUNNING A SPECIAL - $3,000 for four sessions on same area. 

Referral Program: Refer someone and get a free session! Up to  4 free referrals max, after that get half off per referral unlimited. 


FDA Cleared

Grow Muscle

Burn Fat

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